بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


الحمد لله ربّ العالمين و الحمد لله الذی لا مُضادّ له في مُلكه
و لا مُنازِعَ لَهُ في أمره. الحمدالله الذی لا شريك لَهُ في خلقه ولا شبيه لَهُ
في عَظَمَتِه جزء من دعاء الإفتتاح وصلّی الله علی سيدّنا ونبيّنا محمّد صلّی
الله عليه وعلی آله الطاهرين و اصحابه المنتجبين.

عبادالله ! أُوصيكم و نفسي بتقوی الله و اتّباع امره و نهیه.


First, I invite
the honorable worshipers and myself to the
divine piety, and I congratulate the month of Rajab and thank the Almighty God
for allowing us to understand this month again, and if we have not prepared
enough piety for the hereafter, this The month, in which an exceptional
opportunity for self-redevelopment and a return to God and ethics is available.
From the month of Rajab, we can hear the smell of Ramadan, and also we must try
to be good guests before entering the holly Month, because our Karim host has
decided to invite us again and we hope that we will be ready to attend this ceremony.

One of the features
of the month Rajab is that the beginning of the month is equal to the birth of
Imam Baqir peace be upon him . All these matters are the doors to mercy and
blessings of Allah. All of it is a happy time, happy place and  happy days. Now, it is our turn to take
advantage of all these blessings and make our self’s blessed . Many consider
blessing only in wealth and children, while all of these can be turned into
evil, and may be ignored by the main blessings of the faith
and faithful actions. The blessings of Imam Baqir as can not be denied because
the foundation stone of the University of Islam has been provided by them for
the publication of the truths of religion.

In the following
discussion, we said that we need indicators to distinguish piety in different
fields. However, virtue is fulfilled with the implementation of religious
orders, but as we have internal and external commands, we have to be aware of
the exact indicators as we evaluate ourselves and others.

Maybe someone
will ask: What is the benefit of this discussion? Let everyone, based on theire
beliefs, act on religious orders, and also we do not need to evaluate our own
actions. In response, it should be said that neglecting this argument is
falling into the trap of hypocrisy and the spread of hypocrisy in society.
If the indicators are not
introduced, it causes false health in society. The
problem with our society is that our slogan has a long way to reach the action,
and our society thinks that if a few religious behaviors take action from us,
that is a very good condition. As in the medical
health index, there are indicators such as blood pressure, fat and
heart rate, we also need some proper and expert indicators for religious health
of our individuals and society.

In the previous
discussion, we pointed to social piety indicators. Although
the congregational prayer, the rituals of the Hajj, the itikaf and the
pilgrimage of Arbaeen and … are important moves in social terms, but the
indicator of social progress are other things such as the phenomenon of
truthfulness, trusteeship and enjoining good and forbidding wrong.

To complete this
discussion, an important indicator that we said it
was necessary for social piety is the expansion of unity between the Islamic society.
It is not enough simply to obey the divine orders:

الله ورسوله ولا تنازعوا فتفشلوا وتذهب ریحکم

obey God and His Messenger, and do not dispute, lest you falter and lose your

Only empathy in
Hajj pilgrimage and congregational prayer is imperfect. This empathy must be in
all respects. The fasting has a lot of sawab in the month of Rajab, but if
anyone gives me food, the reward will be more pleasing to the believer. If I am
doing an obligatory prayer and the congregational prayer has been started, it
is better to turn my prayer into a Mustahabb prayer and
join the prayer of the congregation. If I am at the middle of itikaf and a
funeral has been started, it is better for me to abandon the itikaf and take
part in the funeral. All of this means that we should not be unaware of unity
of friendship.

The enemies of
Islam are sensitive to this indicator. They have nothing to do with our hajj
and prayer. They want us to always fight each other on different topics, and
never have the atmosphere of friendship and friendship between Muslims. On the
other hand, they try to be ally themselves and expand their oppression in the
world, ignoring the fact that at the end, victory is for righteous.






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