الله الرحمن الرحيم

رب العالمین الصلاة والسلام علی اشرف الانبیاء والمرسلین سیدنا و نبینا طبیب
قلوبنا و شفیع ذنوبنا العبد المؤید الرسول المسدد المحمود الاحمد ابی القاسم
المصطفی محمّد و علی اهل بیته الطیبین الطاهرین و اصحابه المنتجبین.

أوصيكم و نفسي بتقوی الله و اتّباع امره و نهیه.


Imam Ali peace be upon him , in
verse 239, says:

مَنْ أَطَاعَ التَّوَانِيَ ضَيَّعَ الْحُقُوقَ

Anyone who
obeys weakness will ruin the rights. These rights include that persons rights,
the rights of others, and the right of God. Because a lazy man loses everything
at his tasks, For example at prayer he doesn’t have enough attention. Which in
the Quran says to the hypocrites:

وَإِذَا قَامُوا إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ قَامُوا كُسَالَىٰ.

Usually, humans are
caught up with some kind of laziness that creates problems for them and these
kind of laziness are mentioned:


First: Laziness in religious duties. Sometimes
people are lazy towards their religious duties and obedience to the divine
commandments; while they believe in God and his commands, but they don’t attend
to them because of laziness.

The bases of this kind of laziness are in a few things:

A: Doubts; if there is a doubt in the minds of anyone about religious
affairs, hes going to lose his faith soon. The solution is to eliminate these
doubts in the person s mind, so that it doesn’t cause laziness in performing
religious duties.

B: Bad Friends; Bad Friend Causes Laziness in Individual Beliefs. When on
the Day of Resurrection they ask to some of the people of hell, why are you in
this situation, they will answer:

نَخُوضُ مَعَ الْخَائِضِينَ

accompanied bad friends.

As a result, one
has to be careful about choosing his friends and accompanies.

C: Feeling guilty
and frustrated of divine blessing; People may have lost their hope of divine
blessings because of the past sinful acts, and it is conceivable that due to
the heavy burden of their sins, their repentance is not accepted by the Lord of
the universe.

This makes a
person no longer to abide by his religious duties. But God says in holly Quran:

 قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ
أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّـهِ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يَغْفِرُ
الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ. 

Say, “O My servants who have
transgressed against themselves: do not despair of God’s mercy, for God
forgives all sins. He is indeed the Forgiver, the Clement.”


D: Failure by
families, sometimes families themselves, are lazy to carry out their religious
duties. A child growing up in this kind of family is expected to be lazy in
performing religious duties.

One of the
solutions to this problem is to think about the effects of action.

Second: ethical laziness; for example, a person has become accustomed to an
ethical ugly act and he is lazy to leave that act, such as having a bad language,
or being accustomed to falsehood or lying. The solution is to set a fine for
himself so that his will to reinforce this bad habit gets weak. For example, make
a vow

Thrid: Laziness in employment; employment has a positive effect in human spirits and
causes mental vibrancy in humans, although when man is good financial . Like
water, it stays If water stays in a same place for a long period, it will be obsolesce.
Especially in those countries where social aid is paid by the state, one should
not feel unnecessary for society. In terms of Islam, man must be useful for
society. And he himself must seek to meet his own needs. God says in the Quran:

وَلَا تَنسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا

[yet], do not forget your share of the world.

other than the loss of vitality, brings with itself other harms, such as moral
corruption and….

4. Social laziness; If a person has a lazy social relationship, his relationship with the
community will be cut off. Duties such as visiting others, visiting sick people,
attending a funeral procession, which is from the rights of a Muslim to his
Muslim brother.

5. Laziness in education and knowledge, which stops human knowledge and makes the mind of man
sluggish. Human beings should not be confine of their knowledge at
any stage and level of science or education. But he must seek knowledge and
study to the end of his life.






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