Quranic Conference: the other Prophet, Jesus in the Quran

Virtual meeting And essay writing competition

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمإنا أعطيناك الكوثر On the occasion of the birth of the lady of the women of the world Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) European Women’s Assembly Followers of Ahl al-Bayt (pbut) Holds Virtual meeting And essay writing competition with subject: Fatima The perfect human being As a daughter, a wife, a mother and a…

One-Year Academic Study in the Hawzah of the Islamic Centre Hamburg and Islamic Academy of Germany

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Starting from winter semester 2020/21, the Islamic Academy of Germany (IAD) will offer a one-year study in Islamic Theology. Learning content: Quran recitation Islamic beliefs Ethics Jurisprudence History of Islam Persian Language (spoken and written) Offered places of study: 12 Admission requirements: A-levels /…

Open doors day 2019

Open doors day 2019 Open doors day 2019 According to the tradition of the past years, this year, on Wednesday, October third 2019, the day of open doors ceremony at the Imam Ali Mosque was held with a significant attendance. The third day of October, which is an official holiday in Germany on the occasion…

One-Year Academic Study in the Hawzah of the Islamic Centre Hamburg Islamic Academy of Germany

Starting from winter semester 2019/20, the Islamic Academy of Germany (IAD) will offer a one-year study in Islamic Theology. What is offered in this program? The program includes the following subjects:   Islamic beliefs Jurisprudence Quran recitation Ethics Arabic Persian Stories of the Prophets in the Quran   Eligible students are also offered the following:…

Dinner ceremonie for Muslims and non-Muslims on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr

In the days of Eid al-Fitr, a joint dinner for Muslims and non-Muslims was held on Wednesday, January 12, 2019 in the Islamic center of Hamburg, with the participation of a number of cultural, religious, scientific and economic individuals of the city of Hamburg from different nationalities and religions.

The 24th conference of women’s Friendship assembly

Subject: “The concept of patience and its impact on calmness”Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27, 2019 _ Islamic Center of HamburgOnce again, the 24th two-day conference of women’s Friendship Club was warmly welcomed by young women and girls from different nationalities and also from Iran and the United States as well as from various…

Daily events of the Islamic Center Hamburg in the month of Ramadan

Mittagsprogramm ab dem Mittagsgebet :•Gemeinsames Mittag- und Nachmittaggebet Dhuhr & Asr •Kurzvortrag Abendprogramm 2 Std. vor dem Abendgebet :•Rezitation eines Teils Juz‘ des heiligen Korans•Rezitation des Bittgebets zur Öffnung der Herzen Dua al-Iftitah •Islamische Weisungen Ahkam •Vortrag•Gemeinschaftsgebet•Fastenbrechen Iftar Vortrag: Hudschat-ul-Islam Ghazi AskarMaddah: Herr GhazaviKoranrezitator: Herr Soltani Sonderprogramme:-Jeden Donnerstagabend Rezitation von Dua Kumayl;-Freitagsgebet;-Verschiedene Koranunterrichtseinheiten für Jugendliche und Erwachsene…

Islam – Christianity Dialogue meeting

“The status of women in Islam and Christianity, Through the character of Saint Mary”

Magnificent ceremony of

Magnificent ceremony of “spiritual night” held on Saturday and Sunday, 13 and 14 December, 2014 in Islamic Center of Hamburg.