The most significant
change taking
place in our contemporary world is in the sphere of religion. In
general, human­ity is going through a period in which the
role of religion is on the increase. Obviously, taking into
account the fun­damental character of religion as an entire
philosophy of life, we cannot com­pare it to any other

Religion conveys
changes in all aspects of one s life; moral, spiritual, political, economic,
educational, interpersonal relations and in so many others that in
short, religion brings about radical changes in the lives of those who wish to live by it.

Among the major
religions of the world, Islam has always been known for the
comprehensive character of its teach­ings. Its history offers glorious examples of human models of liberation and revo­lutionary
change. Highest among these models stands
the figure of our beloved Prophet Mu
h am mad .

We must, therefore,
not be surprised if today we see Islam, in spite of all opposition,
emerging on the world stage to usher in a new era for humanity.

The aim of Islam is
to transform soci­eties,
but this can only happen if the transformation
first happens on a per­sonal level.
The biggest inadequacy of modern materialistic culture is its blind­ness to the true meaning of the human being; its incapacity to comprehend and achieve the highest aspiration which is the
elevation of the human soul.

The revolutionary role of Islam in the contemporary
world must be understood in the light of its profound capacity
to help the human being to become what he can and should

The Holy Qur an, the life and the teach­ings of the Prophet Muhammad s], his Sunna, and the example of the pure in­dividuals
within his family, the life and the
precious work of thousands of pious Muslim
scholars, mystics, jurists, and philosophers
have highlighted the inter­est that Islam has in helping the human being “to become what he can and must become”.

In other words they
are there to help us to achieve the perfection which we are capable of, which
our inner selves des­perately aspire to, and
for which God has created us.

Their examples must
be studied, analyzed,
understood and consciously imi­tated if we
want to become human be­ings worthy
of this name and especially if we
want to acquire the right provisions for our “final journey .

The Islamic system of
life is based on equilibrium between the spiritual and material. Its belief
system takes human nature into account and
has therefore laid a path configured
as a middle way between the two, producing reconcilia­tion and a fusion between these two ap­parently contrasting aspects of human life.

In reality anyone who wants to be a complete
being” cannot walk a different walk. Islam in its teachings and educa­tional work has taken into considera­tion the environment in which men and women live
their material lives. We are referring
here to the social aspect of life in
which an individual has to make use of
all the material means at his/her disposal in order to live.

Taking into
consideration human nature and its particular essence, Islam has
established norms of a general and particular character. Such norms repre­sent
the Islamic Programme ” for the ed­ucation and development of the human
being. A part of these precepts concerns the duties of men and women in
relation to God, such as the acceptance and
rec­ognition of one s own dependence
in re­lation to His majesty; one s
own poverty and indigence in relation to His richness and self-sufficiency, one s own ignorance in relation to His omniscience, one s own weakness in relation to His power and our submission to His will.

Mother part of
Islamic precepts con­cerns the duties of men and women as members
of society and in relation to other human beings. Obviously in trying to fulfil these particular type of duties, one has always to keep in mind ones re­sponsibility
towards the Divine, the only One to whom we submit. In the system established by the Islamic religion, social life is configured as a nurturing ground for the
spiritual life. The spiritual light that
radiates from a Muslim who puts Islamic
precepts into practice truly illu­minates
all their social actions.

In this way while one
is with other human
beings he is also fully with God. Even though he lives among many, the individual remains engaged in his own spiritual quest. Everyday life, with its many
twists and turns, might be a strug­gle but
the heart continues to strive for the serenity that comes from seeing everywhere the “face of God”.


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