Friday Prayer

The three-day meeting on the way of behaving and an Islamic
appropriate manner in current societies was held by the cultural organization
Islamischer Weg e.V. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6th to 8th June 2014
with the presence of over 500 Muslim youths from different cities of Germany,
Austria and Swiss in the Islamic centre of Hamburg.

This three-day meeting included various cultural devotional
recreational programs such as speech, question-answer meetings, cultural games
and the visiting of a book fair and cultural products. /inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/be84f2b7f43948399a32483e37c2f663.JPG

On the second day of this meeting, Ayatollah Ramezani, the Imam and
head of the Islamic centre of Hamburg, sermonized. After he welcomed all of the
participants and appreciated the persons that held this meeting especially Dr.
Yavuz Özguz, he explained the responsibilities of the Shiite Muslims in Europe
and added

One of the most important duties and responsibilities of the
Muslims in the west is to wait for the advent of the liberator of the world as
it has been said in the prophetic Hadith

     « افضل الاعمال انتظار الفرج »     

What is
understood from this sacred Hadith is that waiting is a verb and we should do
working and effective activities in order to hasten his advent. Three things
are important for a real waiter: 1. self-training; 2. providing enough grounds;
3. modifying the society. /inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/b469a451c1154a44a3fd82f9ebb90c5b.JPG

The reason that
the first duty of the waiters of Imam Mahdi may God hasten his advent is
self-training is that only righteous people can be improved.  A fair person can seek fairness.

 Referring to this matter that the workshops of the behavior of
persons with family, society, Muslims and non-Muslims should be held, he added
about the way of the Islamic appropriate manner in current societies that

  A real Muslim is a person
whose behaviors and manners are logical and in line with the Quran. Her
excellency Zahra peace be upon her said

   کان خلقه القرآن

The manner of the prophet peace of
Allah be upon him and his descendants was logical and in line with the Quran .

The Quran should be within the life of a Muslim. Separating from
Quran means separating from ourselves. If we have a close relationship with the
Quran, the feel of needlessness and supply penetrates into the inner of human.
Imam Sadeq peace be upon him said a Muslim is a person that recites at
least fifty verses of the Quran every night because the Quran promotes the soul
of human and improves the wisdom of people. /inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/81ba50348aa748a595db75358b07f712.JPG

Whether Muslims live in the east or the west, we should pay
attention to this point that Islam should appear in our behaviors and manners.
Imam Musa Sadr stated a heavy responsibility that is left to the followers
of his excellency Imam Ali peace be upon him is that we should introduce him through
our actions. Unfortunately, sometimes we talk about ten hours to influence
others, but others influence people with five minutes of their actions.

We should show selflessness in our behaviors. Imam Sadeq peace be
upon him stated it is decent that the believers try to help each other in
their affairs .

It has been narrated in the beautiful narrations from Imam Sadeq
peace be upon him


   « شيعتنا
اهل الورع والاجتهاد و اهل الوفاء و الأمانة و اهل الزهد و العبادة اصحاب احدي و خمسين
رکعة في اليوم و الليلة، القائمون باللّيل، الصائمون بالنهار، يزکّون اموالهم، و يحجّون
البيت، و يجتنبون کلّ محرّم » 

Shias are hardworking, faithful, trustworthy and pious. They pray fifty one
rekats prayer units during a day they fulfill navafel prayers voluntary
prayers as well as vajeb prayers compulsory prayers . They worship day and
night and fast during the day. They pay the zakat of their properties, fulfill
Hajj and avoid doing haram forbidden actions. Our Shias are pious and devout.
They take care of their eye, ear and hearts so that they do not commit any
sins . They try and fight in the path of God. They try to train themselves and
others. Shias are trustees. Quran, Imam Zaman and the sources of authority are
trusts in the world. Ayatollah Bahjat Fumani may God s mercy be upon him
stated to me I leave you in the support of God and God in your support. Then
he stated I mean that I leave the religion of God, the rules of God, the
Quran of God and … in your support .

head of the Islamic European union of Shiite scientists expressed in another
part of his remarks with convicting bloodsheds done in some countries by
extremists and insults done in social channels about some scientists and
scientific personalities excommunicated people are enemies of God and human beings .
They say a sentence and wage war and bloodshed all over the world. Triggering such
disagreements is haram. Such problems are due to lack of proper thoughts and
understandings. Islam is the religion of relaxation, security, spirituality,
mercy, thinking and wisdom. A Muslim person provides safety, spirituality and
wisdom wherever she or he is. /inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/94e7d984acac4708adc63d6f32dfd5e4.JPG

some indecent manners are seen in some social channels. If someone wants to
criticize someone else, this criticism should be done personally and
individually and it should not happen via social channels such as face book and
… because this action is absolutely haram and if this is a scientific and
religious criticism, it should be done respectfully and logically.

sometimes it is seen that clergymen and scientists are insulted due to
unimportant excuses in such channels that are not acceptable and logical at
all. The prophet peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants stated             

                         من اهان عالماً
فقد اهاننی

If a person
insults a scientist, it is in the way that he or she has insulted me, the
prophet . 

Afterwards, a question-answer meeting with the youths was held in a
friendly atmosphere and during this meeting, the head of the Islamic centre of
Hamburg answered the asked questions./inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/e0f59bdc1b0946f99551a3030bbcf134.JPG/inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/ec77a341ea524b6c8ee712e7aaa8f464.JPG/inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/861485ca500f43ed88eb83d8001aff5e.JPG/inc/uploads/archive/141/Image/Articles/1393/3/29/40360e4a7aba4a1aa0c974c6c12d4327.JPG



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